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BULK DISCOUNTS: Free Shipping on Orders of $99+ and 15% Off Orders of 25+ Items (excluding items below $5 and logo embellishments)
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Welcome to my NEW WEBSITE!

Hello friends! It's been a crazy year, and I know that you all know the ups and downs of starting a new business! I've learned so much, and a lot of things that I learned are the ways NOT to do things. So this website is just one way that I'm tightening things up, battening down the hatches if you will. This is all a work in progress, and I have to say yet again, I have the most wonderfully understanding and gracious customers ever! You all have been so patient as I've figured out a whole new industry (all while doing my best to keep my studio running). And I THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I'm planning to create some content here in this blog that will help you make decisions for your purchasing. Let me know if there's anything that you'd like me to cover.


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